Diamond Elite and Loudoun County Parks and Recreation are pleased to bring you our 2023 Diamond Elite Baseball Camps
(Ages 7-13 Boys) Learn from the best- over a thousand young players have benefited from our camps over the past 15 years! Join Diamond Elite staff, Grant Sheets, Sam Plank, and Darren Brady and many other experienced instructors for a 5 day camp focusing on the fundamentals of baseball. Learn proper mechanics and drills to help improve your pitching, infield, outfield, and hitting skills. Each day of the camp will include: specific skill instruction, modified games, and the popular Ripken Quick Ball (mini whiffle ball stadium). Come join the DE Family!!For more information please call 703-777-0343.
Travel Ball Boot Camp @ Riverside HS – Lansdowne, VA 521051-01 $215
M-F 6/19-6/23 9:30am- 12:00pm
Baseball Camp #1 @ Riverside HS – Lansdowne, VA 521008-04 $265
M-F 6/26-6/30 9:30am- 2:00pm
Baseball Camp #2 @ Riverside HS – Lansdowne, VA 521008-05 $265
M-F 7/10-7/14 9:30am- 2:00pm
Baseball Camp #3 @ Riverside HS – Lansdowne, VA 521008-06 $265
M-F 7/17-7/21 9:30am- 2:00pm
Details: Same Diamond Elite Camps we have operated for more than a decade…we have just partnered with the SportsPlex to provide the camp indoors. Click the link directly below (July 24-28 or Aug 2-6) to register:
July 19-23
July 26-30
Mon-Thur 9:30am-2pm, Fri 9:30am-12:30pm
Ages 7-13 years
To Register For Riverside Camps: (https://webtrac.loudoun.gov/wbwsc/webtrac.wsc/search.html) Enter 521051 or 521008 in Activity Number search box and Diamond Elite camps will show up to simplify registration process.
Call 703.777.0343 with questions.